
What We Know - Info Sheets on AD/HD (The National Resource Center on AD/HD)

The National Resource Center on AD/HD

The National Resource Center on AD/HD is the nation's clearinghouse for science-based information about all aspects of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (AD/HD). Funded through a cooperative agreement with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the NRC provides information on this disorder which affects how millions of children and adults function on a daily basis. The NRC was created to meet the information needs of professionals and the general public.

The Disorder Named AD/HD (WWK1)

… …Until relatively recently, it was believed that children outgrew AD/HD in adolescence as hyperactivity often diminishes during the teen years. However, it is now known that AD/HD nearly always persists from childhood through adolescence and that many symptoms continue into adulthood. In fact, current research reflects rates of roughly 2 to 4 percent among adults.*1

Multimodal Treatment

AD/HD in children often requires a comprehensive approach to treatment called "multimodal" and includes:

  • Parent and child education about diagnosis and treatment
  • Behavior management techniques
  • Medication
  • School programming and supports

Treatment should be tailored to the unique needs of each child and family. Research from the landmark NIMH Multimodal Treatment Study of AD/HD is very encouraging.*2 Children who received carefully monitored medication, alone or in combination with behavioral treatment, showed significant improvement in their behavior at home and school plus better relationships with their classmates and family than did children receiving lower quality care.

Adults with AD/HD may benefit from learning to structure their environment. In addition, medications effective for childhood AD/HD are also helpful for adults who have AD/HD. While little research has been done on interventions for adults, diagnosis and treatment are still important.

Managing Medication for Children and Adolescents with AD/HD (WWK3)

Although some media coverage questions the validity of the AD/HD diagnosis, medical professional groups such as the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (AACAP), and American Medical Association (AMA) have recognized the strong scientific evidence for this disorder. "AD/HD is one of the best-researched disorders in psychiatry, and the overall data on its validity are far more compelling than for most mental disorders and even many medical conditions," according to the American Medical Association Council on Scientific Affairs.*3

Getting appropriate treatment for AD/HD is very important. There may be very serious negative consequences for persons with AD/HD who do not receive adequate treatment. These consequences can include low self esteem, social and academic failure, substance abuse, and a possible increase in the risk of antisocial and criminal behavior.


Since effective longer-acting formulations of stimulants have become available in recent years, many children, adolescents and adults have found these preferable. Longer-acting medications may cause fewer "ups and downs" over the day and may eliminate the need for taking additional doses at school or during work. Although there is little research on utilizing short-acting and long-acting medications together, many individuals, especially teenagers and adults, find that they may need to supplement a longer-acting medication taken in the morning with a shorter-acting dose taken in mid to late afternoon. The "booster" dose may provide better coverage for doing homework or other late afternoon or evening activities and may also reduce problems of "rebound" when the earlier dose wears off.

(emphasis added)






*1: Murphy, K. R., & Barkley, R.A. (1996) The prevalence of DSM-IV symptoms of AD/HD in adult licensed drivers: Implications for clinical diagnosis. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 37, 393-401.

*2: MTA Cooperative Group. (1999) A 14-month randomized clinical trial of treatment strategies for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Archives of General Psychiatry, 56, 12.

*3:Goldman, L.S., Genel, M., Bezman, R.J., & Slanetz, P.J. (1998). Diagnosis and treatment of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder in children and adolescents. Journal of the American Medical Association, 279, 1100-1107.