

U.S. panel OKs sex slave resolution (Japan Times - June 28, 2007)

U.S. pushes on 'comfort women' (Asahi Shinbun - 06/28/2007)

But Abe displayed a degree of displeasure at the vote, saying, "A very large number of resolutions are passed by the U.S. Congress and I believe this resolution is just one of them."


Get facts straight on comfort women(Daily Yomiuri - Jun. 28, 2007)

The U.S. House of Representatives Foreign Affairs Committee has adopted a resolution demanding an apology from Japan over the so-called comfort women. But the resolution was produced based on an erroneous perception of the facts.

The resolution was made without verifying the facts and smacks of cheap rhetoric. It makes us doubt the intelligence of U.S. lawmakers.
事実("the fact")を確かめずに決議されており、みえみえの詭弁が鼻につく。こんな決議を通すなど米国会議員の知性を疑う。

あひゃぁ〜、何じゃこりゃぁ!!! この後も罵詈雑言の嵐、訳する気が一挙になくなったので、エネルギー充填後にリトライします・・・しません

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe expressed "sympathy from the bottom of my heart" and said he "felt sorry" during his meetings with U.S. President George W. Bush and congressional leaders during his visit to Washington in April. The prime minister also said that the 20th century was a century of human rights violations and Japan was not totally blameless.


The resolution is merely one of many adopted at the U.S. Congress. It does not have any legal binding force. Thus, some observers say Japan does not have to take it seriously.


Govt must dispute false charges

But this is the wrong conclusion to draw. If Japan refrains from making counterarguments, this erroneous historical view will become accepted as established fact.

Before World War II, there were many women who were put to work as comfort women against their will by parents and brokers. But this does not mean the Japanese military coerced the women.

In past studies, no evidence has been found showing "coercive recruitment of comfort women by military personnel or government officials." The government explicitly presented this observation in March in response to a question by an opposition lawmaker.

On what is the resolution based? Reportedly the 1993 statement by then Chief Cabinet Secretary Yohei Kono played a significant part.


Kono apology politically driven

The 1993 statement was motivated by a political desire to deflect pressure from South Korea on the comfort women issue. And it has helped broaden the misunderstanding.

Apparently out of diplomatic consideration, Abe has said he stands by the Kono statement. But as long as the prime minister takes this position, the misunderstanding of coercive recruitment will never disappear. If the statement is found to be erroneous, it should be rewritten without hesitation.

(From The Yomiuri Shimbun, June 28, 2007)

ここの記事はすぐに消えるので 魚拓

この"THE FACTS"議員さんたちの動きを報じてるかどうか調べてみました。

Resolution won't hurt U.S. ties (Japan Times - June 28, 2007)

However, several Diet members in both the ruling and opposition camps held a news conference to say the resolution, which they claim is not based on facts, could harm Japan-U.S. relations and to urge Tokyo to rebut the claims made in the resolution.

In a statement, the group, led by Takeo Hiranuma, a conservative independent, also proposed the two nations conduct a joint study of the "comfort women" issue.

They said the U.S. resolution is based on the "erroneous" 1993 statement by then Chief Cabinet Secretary Yohei Kono ? now Lower House speaker ? which acknowledges the military's role in forcing the women into frontline brothels, and said the Japanese government needs to re-examine it.

Hiranuma and other members of the group are part of a bigger group of lawmakers, academics and journalists that took out a full-page advertisement in The Washington Post claiming the Japanese military did not force the women into slavery.


Japan says U.S. sex slave vote won't damage ties (Reuters - Jun 27, 2007 6:52AM EDT)


But a group of ultra-conservative lawmakers, including some of those who placed an advertisement in the Washington Post this month stating that the women had worked as licensed prostitutes, said the resolution damaged ties.

"This resolution criticizing Japan, which was not based on facts, opens a fissure between our two nations and casts a dark shadow over our future," Kyodo news agency quoted a statement from the group as saying.

妄想はやめろ!"THE FACTS"団員!

The House committee's chairman, Tom Lantos, called Japan one of the United States' "closest partners in the world".

But he criticized persistent attempts by some conservative Japanese politicians to deny official involvement.

"The continued efforts by some in Japan to distort history and play a game of blame-the-victim are also highly disturbing," Lantos said during the debate, terming the Washington Post ad "a ludicrous assertion totally counter to the facts."
