
朝日・毎日VS読売・産経 米の慰安婦決議で新聞社説真っ二つ (J-CAST 2007/6/28)


 "THE FACTS"団 の団員やシンパに言わせれば、「朝日新聞」はとんでもない売国新聞で、慰安婦問題をでっちあげた(?)罪はとんでもなく重いらしいが、6月28日の朝日新聞社説はある意味「愛国的」にも受け取れます。

慰安婦決議―首相は深刻さを認識せよ朝日新聞社説 2007年06月28日)
魚拓 http://megalodon.jp/?url=http://www.asahi.com/paper/editorial20070628.html&date=20070628031510
EDITORIAL: U.S. panel resolution (asahi.com - 06/29/2007)
魚拓 http://megalodon.jp/?url=http://www.asahi.com/english/Herald-asahi/TKY200706290118.html&date=20070630113111



We have argued that Japanese politicians should confront a range of issues concerning common understanding of history. In this regard, we are referring to visits by prime ministers to Yasukuni Shrine and the "comfort women" issue. Japan's international reputation takes a bad knock every time Japanese politicians say or do something that can be interpreted as justifying the nation's wartime actions and values. It is deeply depressing to see how things have reached this stage. It makes us sad and ashamed to know that Japan is seen this way internationally.



That is not to say there is no questionable element in the resolution. It doesn't refer, for instance, to the fact that successive prime ministers have sent letters of apology to former "comfort women." It also fails to recognize clearly the significance of a 1993 statement by then Chief Cabinet Secretary Yohei Kono that admitted the Japanese military's involvement in the recruitment of these women and offered an apology from the Japanese government to the victims.

あ〜た、朝日さん、ちょっと・・・公聴会の証言も、CRS(米国議会調査局)の報告書も、いやいや、マイク・ホンダ議員の提出した"H. Res. 121"さえも読んでないんですか? それとも、当然知ってて敢えてこんな「愛国的」主張をされたんでしょうか?



Prepared Testimony by Mindy L. Kotler

2. The letters of apology to the Comfort Women by Japanese Prime Ministers (Hashimoto, Obuchi, Mori and Koizumi) do not constitute a government apology. The prime minister is not doing this with the approval of his Cabinet, thus these letters are only his personal views. Each letter is the same and does not personally address the individual recipient. Most important, note the first sentence of the so-called apology letter, which reads "in cooperation with the Government of Japan." An official apology should, however, read "on behalf of," which it clearly does not. Thus, Japanese prime ministers view these letters simply as a burden and an obligation.

The letters also only accompany the disbursement of funds to those women who are willing to accept Japan’s atonement money. They have also not been included in the “atonement” settlement with the Dutch nor sent to any Indonesian survivors. Moreover, like all other Japanese war crime apologies, the letters are insincere. In 1996, then Prime Minister Ryutaro Hashimoto said he would not sign the letters. The public disclosure of his reluctance led many to question the sincerity of the process. In the end, he did sign the letters and issued the first for the Fund in August 1996.

3. The “Kono Statement” is not an apology. On August 4, 1993, then Chief Cabinet Secretary Yohei Kono issued a statement reporting on the results of an investigation of the veracity of the Comfort Women’s claims. He announced that the Comfort Woman system was “Undeniably…an act, with the involvement of the military authorities of the day” and said that the “Government of Japan would like to take this opportunity once again to extend its sincere apologies and remorse to all those, irrespective of place of origin, who suffered immeasurable pain and incurable physical and psychological wounds as comfort women.” He, however, ends the statement with a hint that the Government will continue to study the issue (“continue to pay full attention to this matter, including private researched related thereto”).

Most important, a Chief Cabinet Secretary is an approximate equivalent of a White House Press Secretary. An important government apology does not come from a press secretary. In addition, the statement was offered shortly after the fall of the one prime minister and barely five days before the beginning of another’s government. In a word, Mr Kono was a lame duck, responsible to no one.


従軍慰安婦問題を論じる - 米議会調査局(CRS)報告書
http://ianhu.g.hatena.ne.jp/keyword/%E7%B1%B3%E8%AD%B0%E4%BC%9A%E8%AA%BF%E6%9F%BB%E5%B1%80%EF%BC%88CRS%EF%BC%89%E5%A0%B1%E5% 91%8A%E6%9B%B8


1995年7月にアジア女性基金が創設された時点で村山首相は基金の支援を受けた人一人一人に謝罪の手紙を送ることを約束した。村山は慰安 婦制度について「国家の過ち」であり「全く弁解できない」と表現した。しかし保守的な自民党の党首でもあった橋本龍太郎次期首相は 1996年に首相に就任すると、最初の贖い金を実施しようとしたアジア女性基金に対してそのような手紙を書くことを拒絶した。これはアジ ア女性基金の役員から批判を受けた。三木武夫元首相の妻であった三木睦子はこれに抗議して役員を辞任した。1996年7月になると橋本首相 は態度を変え、8月に最初の謝罪の手紙を出した。同一の手紙が4人の首相(橋本、小渕、森、小泉)から贖い金の受取人に対して送られてい る。

 − 「日本国の総理大臣として」の言葉である。
 − 「当時の軍の関与の下に、多数の女性の名誉と尊厳を深く傷つけた。」
 − 首相は「慰安婦として数多の苦痛を経験され、心身にわたり癒しがたい傷を負われたすべての方々に対し、心からおわびと反省の気持ち 」を表明する。
 − 首相は単なる手紙の受け取り手だけではなく慰安婦全員に対して謝罪する。
 − 「わが国としては、道義的な責任を痛感しつつ、おわびと反省の気持ちを踏まえ、過去の歴史を直視し、正しくこれを後世に伝える」こ とを首相として保障する。この手紙で使われた「おわび」という言葉は日本語として罪の認識を含むとても強い意味を持った言葉である。

Prime Minister’s Letters of Apology to Former Comfort Women

At the founding of the Asian Women’s Fund in July 1995, Prime Minister Murayama promised to send a letter of apology to each recipient of assistance from the Asian Women’s Fund. He described the comfort women system as a “national mistake” and “entirely inexcusable.”36 However, his successor, Hashimoto Ryutaro, leader of the conservative Liberal Democratic Party, stated that he would not issue such letters when he took office in 1996 and the Asian Women’s Fund prepared to implement the first atonement payments. This brought forth criticism of the Prime Minister from board members of the Asian Women’s Fund. Miki Mutsuko, the wife of former Prime Minister Miki Takeo, resigned from her position on the board in protest. Prime Minister Hashimoto shifted his position in July 1996, and he issued the first apology letters in August 1996.37 The identical letters from four Japanese Prime Ministers (Hashimoto, Obuchi, Mori, and Koizumi) to recipients of the Asian Women’s Fund atonement payments have stated the following points:
 —He was speaking “as Prime Minister of Japan.”
 —“The issue of comfort women, with an involvement of the Japanese military authorities at the time, was a grave affront to the honor and dignity of large numbers of women.”
 —The Prime Minister expresses “my most sincere apologies and remorse to the women who underwent immeasurable and painful experiences and suffered incurable physical and psychological wounds as comfort women.”
 —The Prime Minister addresses all comfort women rather than just the individual recipient of the letter.
 —He asserts that “our country, painfully aware of its moral responsibilities, with feelings of apology and remorse, should face up squarely to its past history and accurately convey it to future generations.” The Japanese word for “apology” in the letter, shazai (sajoe in Korean) is a particularly strong term that implies the admission of a crime.

日本政府は慰安婦への公式な謝罪として二つの文章を用いている。一つは1993年8月の河野官房長官談話であり、もう一つはアジア女性基金 からの支援を受けた元慰安婦に送られる首相からの手紙である。首相からの手紙では書き手は「日本国の総理大臣として」言葉を述べてい る。この手紙はすべて同一な内容であるが「おわび」という言葉が使われており、「おわび」の対象は単なる手紙の受け取り手だけではな くすべての慰安婦に向けられている。これらが不適切であるという批判があるが、そのように批判する詳しい理由は不明である。謝罪の正 しい形として国会決議を提案する者もいるが、現状では全会一致の決議がなされる見込みは遠い。

The Japanese government cites two statements as official apologies to comfort women: Cabinet Secretary Kono’s statement of August 1993 and the Prime Ministers’ letters to former comfort women who accepted assistance from the Asian Women’s Fund. The Prime Ministers’ letters state that the Prime Minister is speaking in the letters “as Prime Minister of Japan.” The letters, all of which are identical in language, use the words “apology” and “apologies” and addresses these to all comfort women rather than just the recipients of the letters. Critics state that these are inadequate, but they have not detailed their reasons for considering the statements inadequate. Some critics have suggested a resolution by the Japanese Diet as a suitable mode of apology, but the prospects of the full Diet approving such a resolution appear remote.

このような、異なった見解を持った証言や資料を検討しながら、慰安婦に対する正義が行われること、日米関係、意見や見解の相違などを多面的に考慮に入れながら現実的な解決策としてH. Res. 121 の条文が注意深く定められ、検討され、審議されてきたのである。そして、そこには次のように書かれている。

So-net blog:藤岡信勝ネット発信局:米下院慰安婦決議案の和訳と原文


Whereas Japanese public and private officials have recently expressed a desire to dilute or rescind the 1993 statement by Chief Cabinet Secretary Yohei Kono on the `comfort women', which expressed the Government's sincere apologies and remorse for their ordeal;

Whereas the House of Representatives commends those Japanese officials and private citizens whose hard work and compassion resulted in the establishment in 1995 of Japan's private Asian Women's Fund;

先日、下院外交委員会で修正つきで可決された"H. Res. 121"の修正文を見ることはまだできないが、審議を内容からすると、河野談話発表を支持し、教科書の記述の改悪と安倍首相の「狭義の強制性」発言を憂慮しつつ、訪米時の「安倍首相の謝罪」をより公的な形で責任を持って具現するべきである」という意味がより鮮明になったと言えるのではないか。


"THE FACTS"は決議に向けて少しの後押しはしたのかもしれないが、この広告自体の一般市民への影響力はほぼない。今後もこの手の活動は無視すればよい。ましてや、日本人として恥じる必要などない。それよりも、安倍首相が謝罪をした限り、それを慰安婦の方たちに納得できる形で再提示するよう迫る運動を展開すべきである。