YouTube「慰安婦」関連の動画 2



トム・ラントス下院議員の言を借りれば、「歴史を忘れてしまう人たち(historical amnesia)」に私たち自身がなってしまってはいけない。下院決議で慰安婦問題が終わったのではない。むしろ始まりにしか過ぎない。


司会 世界には多くの「痛み」があり、中には隠蔽されたものや、時間が覆い隠してしまったものもあります。中国人「慰安婦」もそんな一例です。中国人慰安婦たちは第二次世界大戦中に強制され性奴隷の状態に置かれました。そして戦後は強制的に隠れた存在にされました。そんな彼女たちが今、ついに口を開き出しています。CBCのミッシェル・カーミエが一人の中国人元慰安婦に話を伺いました、
ミッシェル・カーミエ 雷桂英さんは開いた傷口を抱えながら生きてきました。 それは、第二次世界大戦中に日本軍の性奴隷にされたという過酷な記憶です。
雷桂英 私は頑として日本兵をはねつけたんだけど、
カルミエ 雷さんは、奇跡的に連続強姦を生き延びましたが、他の多くの中国人慰安婦たちは生き延びることができませんでした
雷桂英  多くの娘たちがレイプされ、何時間も立て続けに拷問されて命を落としましたんだよ。 
カルミエ 雷さんのように、日本軍に強制されて性奴隷状態に置かれた中国人女性は20万人いました。軍医は、女性たちが用途に適しているかどうかチェックしました。
雷桂英 本当に辛かった。全てを隠し通さないといけなかったのは。
カルミエ 何十年もの間、日本軍性奴隷の話はほぼ忘れらたままでした。元慰安婦の多くは恥ずかしさのあまり話をすることができませんでした。しかし、彼女たちが人生の晩年を迎えている今、いわゆる『慰安婦』たちは自分たちの体験した恐怖を知ってほしいと思うようになったのです。
雷桂英 日本政府は罪を認めてもらいたい。
司会 CBC、ミッシェル・カルミエが南京からお伝えしました。


China's Comfort Women April 12, 2007 (Runs 3:49) 

China's so-called "Comfort Women" were forced into sex slavery during the Second World War, and after that, into the shadows. Now, they're finally telling their stories. Michel Cormier speaks with one of them, Lei Guying, in this report. Sadly, Lei Guying passed away at the end of April, just two weeks after her story aired on The National.



host With plenty of hurt in our world, some of it (is) hidden away or covered up by time. That's the case for China's so-called "comfort women." They were forced into sex slavery during the Second World War and after into the shadows. Now they're finally telling their stories. The CBC's Michel Carmier spoke with one of them.
Michel Carmier Lei Guying's life has an open wound. There's a relentless memory of being a sex slave to the Japanese soldiers during the Second World War.
  She was only 14, when she was forced into a brothel run by the Japanese occupying army in Nanjing in 1943.
  At first she tried to resist.
Lei Guying When I refused to submit myself to a Japanese soldier,
  he tore off my pants, then stabbed me three times in the thigh.
  There was blood everywhere. I cried and cried.
Carmier She miraculously survived repeated rapes, but many others didn't.
Lei Guying I saw so many young girls die after being raped and
  tortured for hours on end.
Carmier There were 200,000 Chinese women like her, forced into sex slavery by the Japanese army. Doctors made sure if they were fit for the purpose.
  After the war, Lei Guying married but she could not have children. She saved an abandoned baby from starvation, and adopted him.
  Today, Tan Juan Quo still lives with her.
  But all through those years she could not bring herself to share her terrible story until her husband was close to death. 
Lei Guying My heart is very bitter. Because of everything I had to hide,
  everything I couldn't say.
Carmier For decades, the story of the Chinese sex slave remained largely forgotten. Many of the women themselves were too ashamed to talk about it. But now as they're near the end of their lives, the so-called "comfort women" want their fright to be known.
  The issue has been a contentious point between China and Japan for years, and it has flared up again recently after the new Japanese Prime Minister Sinzo Abe reneged on his government's acknowledgement of the military's forcing Asian women to sex slavery.
  Professor Su Zhiliang of Shanghai has spent his career in researching the issue. He found many of the surviving women.
  As long as Japan does not confront its wartime past, he says, (and) as long as it refuses to apologize and to compensate the victims of the war brothels, it does not deserve a permanent seat at the UN Security Council.
  Despite her 79 years, Les Guying still comes from time to time to the place where her youth and dignity were stolen from her. The building has been torn down and it was replaced by a bank. But Les Gyuing still has a sketch she made of the brothel.
Les Guying I want to Japanese to admit to their crime. A crime to which
  I will forever be a witness.
  I am not afraid to speak anymore.
host Michel Cormier, CBC News, Nanjing.
  • Lei Guying 雷桂英、 Tang Juan Quo唐家国、 Su Zhiliang 蘇智良