
Health A to Zより

ADHD Girls Go Undiagnosed By Melissa Tennen, HealthAtoZ writer


People always said she was a "good girl." And why not? Britney Joyal was quiet in class and did what she was told.

"Her kindergarten teacher said Britney just marched to the beat of a different drummer," says Britney's mother, Emilie. "And I thought, 'How bad can that be? Certainly, she's not causing any trouble.'"

Sure, Britney may not have been trouble for teachers, but school always troubled her. Multiplication problems, spelling tests, science reports - all nightmares for Britney no matter how hard she worked. Britney, now 15, has attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). She wasn't diagnosed until she was 12, an age most experts consider late. Her younger brother, Joseph, who also suffered from the problem was diagnosed in third grade. And it was Joseph's doctor who suggested Britney might have the same problem.

It was a lucky catch. Many girls with ADHD are never diagnosed and enter adulthood without any idea there might be a problem in the way their brains are wired, a problem that can lead to frustrated careers, poor relationships and even depression.

New research

A new survey from Harris Interactive on gender differences in ADHD shows how young girls and teenagers are affected when doctors, educators and parents miss the problem. Prior research found in Family Practice News newsletter suggests that as many as 75 percent of girls with ADHD are missed.

"Girls are the silent sufferers," said Timothy Wilens, M.D., an associate professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School in Boston and one of the survey's creators. The survey was sponsored by Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation.

He said some results surprised him. "I was struck by the amount of depression and angst that girls go through," he said.

The survey looked at several groups: boys and girls with ADHD between 12 and 17 years old; parents of children with ADHD; teachers; and the general public. More girls than boys said they had problems making friends, getting along with their parents, finishing things and focusing on school work - probably results of ADHD.

Wilens said as these girls enter adulthood, their behavior shows the classic symptoms of ADHD - acting impulsively by jumping into marriage at a young age, taking longer to finish college or having trouble with their professional lives. The survey helped verify this feeling of restlessness.






ハリス・インターアクティブによるAD/HDにおけるジェンダーによる差についての新しい研究は、医師・教育者・親がAD/HDを見逃したとき、女児と10代の女性にどのような影響があるかを明らかにしています。Family Practice Newsのニュースレターで見ることができる以前の研究では、AD/HDをもった未成年の女性の最高75%が見逃されていることを示唆しています。

ボストンにあるハーバード医科大学のTimothy Wilens 心理学科助教授は次のように述べました。『未成年の女性は声を上げることなく苦しんでいます』。Wilens 助教授は、この新しい研究の創設者の一人で、この研究のスポンサーはノバルティス(Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation)です。

いくつかの研究結果は驚くべきものだったと Wilens 助教授は言います。『未成年の女性たちが経験する「うつ」や「不安」の多さに愕然としました。』


Wilens 助教授によると、AD/HDの未成年女性が成人になると、その行動はAD/HDの典型的な症状−若くで衝動的に結婚する、大学を卒業するのに年数がかかる、もしくは職業上の問題を抱える−を呈しますが、今回の調査はこのじっとしていられない感覚を実証する上で役に立ったとのことです。



Patricia Quinn, MD and Sharon Wigal, PhD
Perceptions of Girls and ADHD: Results From a National Survey
MedGenMed. 2004; 6(2): 2.


日本語訳 英語原本


  • 作者: キャスリーンナデュー,パトリシアクイン,ニキリンコ,沢木あさみ
  • 出版社/メーカー: 花風社
  • 発売日: 2003/06/01
  • メディア: 単行本
  • 購入: 2人 クリック: 4回
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