
加瀬英明氏が代表をつとめる「史実を世界に発信する会」がオランダ議会とカナダ議会の「慰安婦動議」に対する抗議文を、それぞれの国の在日大使に送っている。同会のブログに抗議文の日本語と英語*1の文面が掲載されているが、何が言いたいのかよ〜わからん。特に、英語文。なんだこりゃ? きしょくて読む気が起きんぞなもし・・・

だいたい、一方的な決め付けばっかり。しかも、もちっと論理的に書かないと誰も相手にしないと思うし、まぁ、何だ、もっと推敲するとか、ネイティブ・チェックしてもらうとかしたらどうよ? 変に大仰な単語や表現のあとに、ガキの質問みたいな文章が続いたりする。あからさまに変だぞ(笑)



オランダ大使に抗議 (史実を世界に発信する会ブログ - 2007.12.01)




Dear Mr. Ambassador:

On November 20 of this year, the Dutch Parliament passed a resolution, denouncing Japan for past actions in connection with the so-called comfort women. The resolution demands that the Japanese government take full responsibility for its involvement with the comfort women and issue further apologies and compensation, on the grounds that past gestures in this direction are insufficient. We must state our objections to this resolution in the strongest possible terms. We are stunned by the request to revise our teaching materials; this is clearly an attempt to interfere in internal Japanese affairsbehavior that we consider intolerable. The news that the passage of a resolution that insults Japan’s honor is due largely to the active support of Foreign Minister Verhagen is exceedingly disheartening.


カナダ大使にも抗議 (史実を世界に発信する会ブログ - 2007.12.03)





Dear Mr. Ambassador:

On November 28, the Canadian Parliament adopted a motion relating to the comfort women controversy that grossly distorts historical fact. The extraordinarily unjust motion urges the Japanese government not only to preserve the intent of the Kono Statement, but also to discourage the assertion of historical fact (a demand that smacks of fascism). We are appalled that a nation that champions freedom and democracy would pass a motion that, in addition to being monumentally unreasonable, attempts to infringe upon Japan’s sovereignty.

Worst of all, the accusations made in the motion are based on falsehoods disguised as historical fact.*4





Comfort Women: Sexual Slavery in the Japanese Military During World War II (Asia Perspectives: History, Society, and Culture)

Comfort Women: Sexual Slavery in the Japanese Military During World War II (Asia Perspectives: History, Society, and Culture)

The Comfort Women: Japan's Brutal Regime of Enforced Prostitution in the Second World War

The Comfort Women: Japan's Brutal Regime of Enforced Prostitution in the Second World War



