
Avaaz.org から新しいアクションに関するメールが届きました。翻訳している時間がないので、申し訳ないですが原文とリンクを貼ります。10年ほど前、ジンバブエ出身の牧師さんから英語を習っていました。当時、私の体調が悪く、気分も沈みがちな日々を過ごしていましたが、この牧師さんと奥さんは、陰に陽に、わたしやわたしの家族を支えて下さいました。ジンバブウェに帰国されてまもなく、連絡が取れなくなりました。想像を絶するハイパー・インフレや今回の選挙に対するムガベ大統領の強行で非民主的な行動に対して、その身を挺してジンバブエの民衆やその正義を守るべく立ち上がっておられるはずですが、牧師さんと奥さんの身の安全が気がかりです。


Make Zimbabwe's votes count

Dear friends,

Zimbabwe is on a knife's edge between democracy and chaos. Results still have not been released from the 29 March elections--and each day, more signals emerge that Mugabe will resort to violence and fraud to hold on to power.

Mugabe is unlikely to listen to the world's outcry--but he might listen to his old friend and powerful neighbour Thabo Mbeki, president of South Africa. Click below to add your name to a petition calling for the results to be released, verified, and peacefully honored, and we will do all we can to deliver it to Mbeki--through diplomatic channels, over the radio, and in a public event when Mbeki travels to New York for a United Nations meeting next week.

The more of us sign the petition, the powerful the message that South Africa's reputation as a world leader is on the line. Click here to add your name, and then forward this email to friends and family:


South African president Thabo Mbeki said on Monday that "it's time to wait" on Zimbabwe. But the more time passes, the greater the danger grows that the will of Zimbabwe's people will be ignored. Avaaz launched this petition earlier in the week to its African members, and thousands signed on; now, we need people around the world to add their voices in solidarity and take the pressure to the next level.

In a crisis like this, a petition is just a small step--but it's something all of us can do, to raise our voices and call for what's right. And as history shows, international solidarity can be a powerful thing.

With hope,

Ben, Graziela, Ricken, Galit, Paul, Iain, Pascal, Milena, and Esra'a--the Avaaz.org team

PS: Here's what to expect this week:

On Saturday, leaders of the Southern Africa Development Community will gather in Lusaka, Zambia to discuss the crisis. We're working to buy radio time to reach these regional leaders with Avaaz members' global message.

On Monday, the Zimbabwe high court has promised to decide whether to release of the voting results. But a lawyer for the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission said Wednesday that it would be "dangerous" if the court did order the release, raising fears of violence.
South Africa is chairing the United Nations Security Council this month, and Mbeki will be joined by other world leaders for a special meeting in New York on Wednesday. Expect Zimbabwe to be high on the agenda.

Zimbabwe is in crisis.
A worldwide effort is needed to urge South Africa's Thabo Mbeki to pressure his friend Robert Mugabe. A global petition is growing--



On Monday, March 31, thousands in 84 cities worldwide demonstrated for Tibet--and delivered the 1.6 million-strong petition to Chinese embassies and consulates. (Photos here.) However, despite escalating protests and pressure from world leaders, the crisis continues. Watch for more Avaaz alerts on Tibet soon!


Avaaz.org is an independent, not-for-profit global campaigning organization that works to ensure that the views and values of the world's people inform global decision-making. (Avaaz means "voice" in many languages.) Avaaz receives no money from governments or corporations, and is staffed by a global team based in London, Rio de Janeiro, New York, Paris, Washington DC, and Geneva.

Don't forget to check out our Facebook and Myspace pages!

ジンバブエの選挙に関するニュース (2008年4月12日追記)

ジンバブエ下院選で与党過半数割れ 選管が発表 (CNN Japan - 2008.04.03)


ムガベ大統領、決選投票の用意があると発表 ジンバブエ (CNN Japan - 2008.04.05)



決選投票実施で国連の介入要請、ジンバブエ野党 (CNN Japan - 2008.04.05)



ジンバブエ大統領選 与党が再集計を要求、野党は抗議 (朝日新聞 - 2008年04月06日)


ジンバブエ選管関係者5人逮捕 ムガベ氏得票数操作容疑 (CNN Japan - 2008.04.08)


ジンバブエで白人農園を強制占拠、大統領支持の退役兵ら (CNN Japan - 2008.04.09)





ジンバブエ大統領選:混迷 周辺諸国が会議、仲介へ (毎日新聞 - 2008年4月11日)
