

■Human Rights Council Second Universal Periodic Review, Geneva, 9 May 2008


Thank you, Mr. President. My delegate would appreciate this opportunity to raise these following issues and recommendations.
First, military sexual slavery represent crimes against humanity with no statutory limitations. The U.N. Special Rapporteur on Violence against Women, in her report, and the Subcommission and the Commission of Human Rights, in their resolutions, called on the Japanese Government to acknowledge legal responsibility for the Japanese military sexual slavery of 200,000 people, bring perpetuators to justice, and compensate to the victims. The CEDAW and the Committee against Torture, in 2003 and 2007, expressed serious concerns and recommended solutions. This was followed by parliaments of many countries like the United States, the Netherlands, and the European Parliament, which adopted resolutions calling on Japan to address the problem. Unfortunately, the problem still remains unresolved.
We recommend Japan to take concrete measures to address, once and for all, the Japanese military sexual slavery and other violations committed in the past in other countries including Korea.


それに対する日本の回答(15 Minutes. の動画)

Now I'd like to mention the issue raised by the representative of the DPRK.
Regarding the issue of claims standing between Japan and the DPRK, we'd like to point out that in the Japan-DPRK Pyongyang Declaration the leaders of the two countries agreed on the basic principle that both Japan and the DPRK would mutually waive all property and claims and those of their nationals that had arisen from causes which [occurred] before 15 August, 1945.
In any case, Japan seeks to normalize the relationship with the DPRK in accordance with the Pyongyang Declaration through resolving comprehensively outstanding issues of concern including the abduction, nuclear and missile issues, and settling the unfortunate past.
The numbers that the representative of the DPRK mentioned are totally groundless.


北朝鮮代表が言及した数字には、全く根拠がない。」・・・北朝鮮代表は" 200,000 people" としか言ってませんね。しかも、根拠にしたのはクマラスワミ報告書と国連人権委の決議みたいですから、「早とちり」はいけないと思いますよ。

日朝平壌宣言(平成14 年9 月17 日/ 2002)

Japan-DPRK Pyongyang Declaration (Provisional Translation)

Both sides, pursuant to the basic principle that when the bilateral relationship is normalized both Japan and the DPRK would mutually waive all their property and claims and those of their nationals that had arisen from causes which occurred before August 15, 1945, decided that they would discuss this issue of property and claims concretely in the normalization talks.

日韓学生のフォーラム2004−メディアと体験と日韓関係(2004.8.23-24 国際連合大学)、p.206
