日本政府はどうしようもない 2

UN - Japan Tells Women’s Anti-Discrimination Committee Efforts to Meet Treaty Obligations Bearing Fruit, but Progress Slow by International Standards (ISRIA - July 24, 2009)

Experts also called for more action to make amends for the Japanese enslavement of foreign women as sexual “comfort women” during the Second World War. Dealing with that legacy head on, including a strong apology and direct reparations to victims, could help improve attitudes towards women among Japanese society itself, they suggested.……
《Stiffmuslce なんちゃって訳》



They*1 said that the damage done to “comfort women” had been acknowledged by the Government, and the matter had been settled legally by the Treaty of San Francisco, after the war. Additionally, assistance to surviving “comfort women” was being provided.……


(emphasis added)

*1:the Japanese delegation