日本政府はどうしようもない 2
UN - Japan Tells Women’s Anti-Discrimination Committee Efforts to Meet Treaty Obligations Bearing Fruit, but Progress Slow by International Standards (ISRIA - July 24, 2009)
Experts also called for more action to make amends for the Japanese enslavement of foreign women as sexual “comfort women” during the Second World War. Dealing with that legacy head on, including a strong apology and direct reparations to victims, could help improve attitudes towards women among Japanese society itself, they suggested.……
《Stiffmuslce なんちゃって訳》また、複数の専門家は、日本が二次世界大戦中に性の「慰安婦」として外国人女性を奴隷化したことに対する償いの行動をさらに取るよう求め、被害者たちへの明確な謝罪と直接的な補償を含めた未解決の課題に真摯に取り組めば、日本社会自体の女性に対する意識の改善を促進することにもなるであろうと示唆した。……
They*1 said that the damage done to “comfort women” had been acknowledged by the Government, and the matter had been settled legally by the Treaty of San Francisco, after the war. Additionally, assistance to surviving “comfort women” was being provided.……日本代表団は、日本政府は「慰安婦」が受けた損害を認識してきており、この問題は戦後のサンフランシスコ条約で法的に解決済みであると述べ、加えて、存命中の「慰安婦」への援助を行っていると述べた。……
(emphasis added)
*1:the Japanese delegation